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The Tribunal
About the Tribunal
About the Tribunal
Origine et rôle
Mission. Vision. Valeurs.
Institutional Guideline
Rapport annuel et Plan stratégique
Other links of interest
Organizational Structure
Organizational Structure
Juges administratifs du Tribunal
Other links of interest
The commitments of the Tribunal
The commitments of the Tribunal
Nos engagements envers le citoyen
Protection de vos renseignements personnels
Accessibilité du Tribunal
Diffusion de l'information
Personnes handicapées
Charter of the French Language
Plaintes, commentaires et suggestions
Online services
Other links of interest
Filing a Proceeding
Recourse procedure
File a proceeding
File a proceeding
The stages of a proceeding
How to file a proceeding
File an appeal online
End your proceeding
Other links of interest
To know about conciliation
How to prepare for conciliation
Date and time of your conciliation
Conduct of conciliation
Assister à une conciliation en ligne
Adjournment or Request for Adjournment of a Conciliation
Other links of interest
Formulaire de désistement
Accès à un document détenu par le Tribunal
The Hearing
The Hearing
Preparing well for a hearing
Date and time of your hearing
Conduct of a hearing
Hearing schedule
Assist to a hearing online
Other links of interest
Decision of the Tribunal
Request for correction or rectification
Review of a decision of the Tribunal
Rendered decision
Other links of interest
Path types
Commission d'examen des troubles mentaux
Commission d'examen des troubles mentaux
Role of the Commission d'examen des troubles mentaux
The victim and their rights
Hearing CETM
Informations destinées à l'hôpital désigné
Decision of the CETM
Contesting a disposition of the CETM
Review of dispositions of the CETM
Other links of interest
Guides et dépliants
Lois et règlements
Persons confined in a hospital
Persons confined in a hospital
Tribunal's role
Challenging Custody in the Hospital Facility
Procedure and Hearing Before the Tribunal
Psychiatric Assessment Report
Tribunal's decision
Other links of interest
Procedure for Expropriation
Legal Costs
Expropriation: Conduct of the hearing
Conduct of the conciliation for expropriation
Other links of interest
Guides et dépliants
Formulaire de désistement
Accès à un document détenu par le Tribunal
Tools and Resources
Legal resources
Legal resources
Services of a lawyer
Assistance Service for immigrants
Service d'aide aux victimes d'actes criminels
Other legal services
Right to an interpreter
Other links of interest
Tools and publications
Tools and publications
Guides and Reports
Other links of interest
Rules and regulations
Rules of procedure
Other links of interest
Protection de vos renseignements personnels
Nos engagements envers le citoyen
Orientations institutionnelles
Forms and access demands
Forms and access demands
Access to a document held by the Court
Motion instituting proceedings
Subpoena Form
Withdrawal Form
Other links of interest
Contact us
Search form
Dernières recherches
Recherches populaires
Dépôt d'un recours en ligne
Dépôt d'un document dans un dossier
Horaire des audiences
Décision rendue
You are here:
Filing a Proceeding
The Hearing
Assist to a hearing online
Assist to a hearing online
The Hearing
Preparing well for a hearing
Date and time of your hearing
Conduct of a hearing
Hearing schedule
Assist to a hearing online
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