How to prepare
In order to clearly explain your point of view to the representative of the department, agency or municipality, it is important to prepare yourself in advance of the conciliation session.
How to prepare?
It is helpful to make an outline. This outline need not be complicated. It may consist of a few sentences on a sheet of paper clarifying what you hope to obtain and why you should be entitled to it.
Have a good working knowledge of the contents of the administrative file which the department, agency or municipality will usually have already forwarded to you and inform yourself as to the principal legal rules which apply to your situation.
How to prepare your conciliation
Be familiar with you administrative
Before the conciliation session, read the administrative file which has been forwarded to you by the department, agency or municipality whose decision you are contesting. It contains the reasons for which this decision has been rendered and may contain references to the sections of the legislation which the department, agency or municipality has applied.
Reading this can help you to identify some of your arguments.
Note that in the area of expropriation, there is no such administrative file. In the field of municipal taxation, you will instead receive summaries, forwarded by the municipal authority responsible for the assessment.
Identify the points that you are contesting
If you are contesting only part of the decision of the department, agency or municipality, it is important to identify clearly what you dispute and what you admit.
Have all relevant documents in your possession
If you are contesting only part of the decision of the department, agency or municipality, it is important to identify clearly what you dispute and what you admit.
The purpose of conciliation is to try to reach an agreement. In order to effectively negotiate with the representative of the department, agency or municipality, determine in advance what is most important to you and what is less important to you.