Important notice

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You will be informed of the date and location of the hearing by the Tribunal. Hearings typically take place before two administrative judges: one lawyer or notary, and one specialist in the subject matter of your request (such as a doctor, certified appraiser, etc.). Please note that if you have participated in a conciliation, the administrative judge who acted as the conciliator cannot serve as a judge at the hearing.


A woman looking at document on a table.

Preparing well for a hearing

 To know in order to prepare well
 How to prepare?
 How to prepare your evidence
 Change of address, etc.

Homme cherchant la date et le lieu de son audience sur sa tablette

Date and time of your hearing

 Date and time of your hearing

 If you cannot be present
 The hearing schedule

Micro in a hearing room

Conduct of a hearing

 Beginning of the hearing
 Presentation of your evidence
 Presentation of evidence by the representativeof the department, agency or municipality

A person talking at a talking desk


 Code of conduct
 Recording of hearings and right to an interpreter
 Use of technology

Doigt posé sur une tablette qui cherche les horaires des audiences

Hearing schedule

 Searching tool
 Attending a hearing online
 Hearing schedule