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Career opportunities at the TAQ



Human resources constitute the Tribunal’s most important asset. The cornerstone of the realization of its mission, the Tribunal’s team participates, through its commitment, in providing personalized services to citizens.

A commitment to professionalism and skills-development, as well as interesting and rewarding work, is a reality at the Tribunal. To achieve its organizational objectives, Management encourages participatory management that is dependent on the competence of each individual and the power of teamwork.

In addition, a culture of sharing and trust is fostered by Management.


Finally, Management recognizes and emphasizes achievement, both individual and collective.

Several Tribunal initiatives allow you to reconcile work and personal life. Here are a few of them:


  • Organization of working time: whether you are permanent or temporary full time, you have the possibility of organizing your working time. Several options are available to you, such as the 32-hour week, in accordance with the needs of the Tribunal.
  • Flexible Hours: you have the opportunity to determine your working hours yourself during flexible periods, providing you to accomplish the tasks related to your function, in accordance with the needs of the Tribunal.
  • Fitness Incentive Program: you may be able to benefit from an exercise and physical activity refund.

Because its staff is one of its key strengths, the Tribunal’s management has implemented various programs and committees for the enhancement of quality of life at work. Here are some examples:


  • Employee Assistance Program: the Tribunal offers its employees a confidential assistance program which facilitates access to specialized external resources. The processing of individual files is done by an outside firm, while the organization of group activities is done by the human resources department.


  • Committees on occupational health and safety, labor relations, internal newsletter, etc.

Professional development of its employees is a major concern for Management. In response, it offers a personalized career path. Based on skills profile, Management will propose pertinent and high-quality professional development activities to its employees.


  • Skills development program: By offering its employees a program for reimbursement of tuition fees, Management facilitates skills development and career progression.
  • Guidance Service: in order to enable its employees to reflect on their career path, Management has established a confidential internal professional guidance service.
  • Professional development sessions
  • Internal mobility

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