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Access to the Tribunal

The Tribunal wants to ensure that high-quality services are offered to citizens everywhere in Quebec. Taking into account the vast territory that needs to be covered, it has established offices in Quebec City and Montreal. Citizens can therefore file their proceedings at either one of these offices, or at one of the office of the Court of Québec, Small Claims Division.


In addition, the Tribunal has established a network of 53 cities where the administrative judges regularly travel to hold hearings or conciliation sessions. Exceptionally, they can also travel elsewhere than these 53 cities. Generally, citizens will be required to travel less than 100 kilometers to attend a hearing.


For a complete list of the 53 cities, consult the list of places of hearing.

The Tribunal wishes to ensure adequate access to its services and hearing facilities to persons with disabilities.


It is therefore important that a disabled person requiring services adapted to his or her needs inform the Tribunal of this as soon as possible.


To learn more about the actions taken by the Tribunal with respect to accessibility for persons with disabilities, see the Plan d'action 2017-2020 à l'égard des personnes handicapées (French version only) as well as the Bilan 2019-2020.

Hearings of the Mental Health Division generally take place in the hospital where the accused person suffering from a mental disorder is being detained or followed.

The same is true for hearings concerning persons who present a danger to themselves or others and who are confined in a hospital.

The Tribunal may make use of videoconferencing and visio-hearing equipment, with the agreement of the persons convened at the hearing.

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