Important notice!

Icon of a screwdriver and wrenchWe are currently experiencing technical difficulties with our telephone system. We are working to solve the problem. Please call us back later or contact us by email at:


Protection of your personal information

The Tribunal is concerned about the protection of personal information and citizens’ right to access to information. We support the principle of transparency in the public administration and manage the personal information necessary to our mission in a manner that is respectful to your rights.

We protect information concerning a natural person which allows the person to be identified:

  • The information contained in the files of the Social affairs division enjoys protection and is confidential when it comes to information of a medical nature or information the disclosure of which could embarrass or create problems for a person;
  • The information obtained when the Tribunal sits in camera or information referred to in a confidentiality order, publication ban, or non-disclosure or non-diffusion order may be confidential;
  • The information obtained within the framework of a conciliation session and placed in the file during conciliation is confidential

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